been busy this few weeks
finally can take a break. Awesome man.
HAHA! planning to go out with the whole class! Must Plan.
hmm...yea although it's holidays, i still find it boring staying at home.
i would rather go to school then staying at home doing nothing.
will nevermind i can still hang out with my buddies. SHOPPING AHHAHA!i'm coming!
But i have no money to spend. Tsk! :(
have not been saving money this past few months, cause mostly i spend it on FOOD!
Zzz! nevermind at least i would not be staying at home day dreaming.
yea just came back from school. change our timetable. OMG no more going school at 8.45am Tsk! new timetable...7.30am must reach school. haiz sad man.
today was quite a fun day for me...not bad ?
morning meet iszwan, saw him with his new hairstyle. i laugh like crazy! LOL.
lessons per normal. just that today my class hve a fight. OMG!
benson kena beat like crazy haha OH BE KUAI:p
got chapel today! word to describe..BORING!
After school stay back till 2+ then went to causeway point first, then went home at 4pm. Having coursework today, busying thinking what to write on my webpage zzz.
nothing came into my mind i just anyhow write. HAHA! alamak boring sia.
awww i wana go SHOPPING! anyone wana go shopping? Text me please! haahaa
alright i'll stop here then. ciaos! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!:D
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