Ok let me start from ytd!
6 march 2009...
Went out with kelly, shahirah, kala, iszwan, yicheng, brendon & wanyee ytd.
we went to eat at cwp mac first. Then we went to bugis. bought a new dress & headband. after that we went to bugis street walk around.
Around 3+pm went to orchard haha was damn fun!:D all of us went to far east.
walk walk then it started to rain. zzz...went to KFC and eat.
A LOT PEOPLE SIA! so after eating we chat awhile. then we notice that the chicken is damn disgusting and oily. And i notice that a lady was checking at the store cause she was holding the checklist for the store.
so we went to complain to her and say that the chicken is very oily.
then suddenly iszwan saw the manager of the store was DICKING at his nose and talking on the phone at the same time. Know why cause got mirror then the mirror reflection so we can see him dicking his nose. then he told me i look and laugh very loud so i told everyone. Everyone was damn shocked next time i wont go kfc to eat seriously.ORCHARD KFC LEH! omg la! tsk tsk tsk! went home at 9.30pm .
7 march 2009...
Today meet wanyee under my block.
take bus to interchange tog.
after that went to meet iszwan and big foot.
went to school saw a lot of ppl already.
some of them already collected the can tin and the sticker.
and i waited for damn long cause my form teacher haven reach so another teacher help us to give up lah. after collected all the 3 things we are suppose to take
Me, iszwan, shahirah and big foot went to vista point first.
then started to ask for money for the donation.haha walk around then take bus to cwp.
saw alot of chr ppl and a lot from another school de. MANY SIA! Then a cute little boy run towards me around 4yrs old i think and he help me donated so cute actually the boy was outside boots and shoes with his mother there already got our sch ppl (IS A LOT) he dont wana give them he run outside breaktalk there and give it to me HAHA SO CUTE LOVE HIM the distance is so far yet he still give it to me so sweet of him man! hahaha:D so went to mac find seats to settle down but tooo many ppl already so we went to take mrt to yishun same thing reach there saw riverside ppl and others sch. so many sia tsk! went to yishun mac full again. so went to eat foodcourt then after eating saw melvin they all. chat awhile then went to near by kala house. after that walk to 888 plaza then vista point again. after that went back to school damn hot and tired sia. walao my leg damn pain zzz..stay in school awhile rest.. went to cwp after that then go back home. TIRED OMG:O alright i need to get some rest now.ciaos:)
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