OMG funny! nerd nerd nerd! ah guai.
ACT NERD! haha funny aye.
ME & GF!
our hair look alike haha:D
today went to sch with manda.
meet my friends at sch ahah den went to classroom tog to put our bags.
around 7.20am went to assb ! wa lao listen to the "P" principal la talking CRAP! like 1 hour everyday, every assb the upper sec have to listen to her toking CRAP WTH la. walao we are so ke lian can. hate her voice, hate her looks, hate her attitude.SUCKS MAN! heng i last year liao heh heh..i very pity the sec one's leh they still have to da han for another 3-4 more years la. haha sad for them. lalalalala. went back class for lesson 1st was EBS!
then english follow by sci. then RECESS TIME! went to bookshop buy CME paper. $5.20.
slack slack slack. bell ring went back class heh heh is FTC! after tat is MATHS hoho today no CHAPEL haha sad for lower sec again lol. no chapel for upper sec yea woohoo "happy" lalala...AFTER SCHOOL........................rush to 900 bus stop to meet manda gf! went to cwp to eat our breakfast + lunch HOHO! eat a lot die la later fat sia. Tues P.E went to take our heigh and weight hahaha guess wad now i grow to 170cm den my weight below 55 nia hahha cant tell you. allaal BUT i'm not fat i'm just normal okok only(: hehe. ok back. after eating we went around cwp SHOP AROUND..laughing...-.-" haha the funny thing is that we two were in de toilet. and it's like we were making ourself nerd and take a lot of funny pic's haha really super funny right i know we look super nerd and i look super UGLY la. ok that's for entertainment only la.LOL! HAHA:D
went home around 4pm. HOHO! fun la...reach home do my sch things do the class seating arrangment draw out and write my classmate's name on the paper look very funny but dun care la teehee:B opps. so BORED! k la i should stop here cos my relatives come my house so SAYONARA ! do TAG pls. :D
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