I LOVE this book:D nice story:)
went to buy this toooo:D
MINE hahahahaha:)
haha 2 MORE DAYS to MY BIRTHDAY and XinYi de!
WOOHOO:) but cant celebrate in singapore...zzz..
haha let's start from ytd.
me my dad and mum went to causeway point for shopping.
hmm..we went to cwp de popular bookstore 1st.
buy alot of things sia. haha damn happy. we spent like $160+ at popular bookstore.
haha den went to eat our dinner:D went to the faceshop buy NEW nail polish!
haha after tat went for some x'mas stuff at metro.
then went home to watch xiao niang err..NICE SHOW MAN!:D
btw now the phone keep ringing and im not gonna listen it HAHHA!
know why???
a stupid aunty name : MARY! is like super irrtating la!
keep on calling my house . now is the 7th time she called!
haha i dont wana listen to her phone keep on toking CRAP!
HATE HER! zzz...
so ma fan keep on calling my dad zzzz...wad a BITCH!
haha fine forget it...now wana go pack my stuff for overseas stuffs le.
so gtg le BYEBYE:D sayonara:)
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