Both of us walking to siloso beach.HAHA:D

was just beside me

At palawan beach:)


our pinic map.SO SPECIAL right!COOL:D

HI everyone:D
wed went to SENTOSA!
meet manda at cwp 1st den went to buy bubble tea.
after tat we went to take 963 to habourfront interchange.
GUESS WAD?!when we reach there it started to rain.zzz...
okay nevermind.den we both decided to go giant buy some thing to eat.
we bought a lot of stuffs to eat.went to buy potato chips,pinic map....blah blah blah.our pinic map is damn speical PINK POLKDOTS!HAHAHA:D
until 2+pm went to buy tickets to sentosa.den reach there firstly we went to palawan beach!haha is damn fun but it started to rain again.WTH!:O
waited awhile.....den we find a place to sit.take out our PINIC MAP!WOOHOO:D
alot ppl looking at us haha cos we are like only the one with those special map.hahaa
den after our lunch we play at the beach haha running around like crazy la.
HAHAHA:D LOL...play at the sea too den rain again but we dun care continued to play haha the sea is damn disgusting haha:D the sea water is so OMG la!
den after playing went to bath.prepare finish le went around sentosa play until siao sia.we eat alot lor.haha den went to 7-11 buy big glup.play until night den go back vivo reach home very late haha but is damn fun la HOHO:D
well gtg le sayonara:D
Remember to tag before you leave:D