yesterday went to play volleyball around 2pm with iszwan and gang.
well, we are super unlucky cause it rains very heavily.
went to shahirah house for lunch her parents are friendly!
and her mum cook nasi lemak for us! It was awesome:D
while we were on our way back, we saw the playground just beside shahirah house...guess what!

IT LOOK LIKE A SWIMMING POOL! i was like wth? what's going on? Those kids are like swimming around playing with water.
Went to cwp after that. Meet kelly and wanyee they came to my house to slack?
after that went down to buy dinner for my mum:) and we slack at RP.

Having picnic outside RP hah it was kinda fun actually!
Melvin came and we enjoy disturbing him!:B
Take loads of photos!:D
haha! alright will upload all the photos next time.....
I'm really getting very pissed off with my dad now days.
I just don't understand him! what's the matter with him?!
I talk back to him just now. I just cant control myself.
I feel really sorry about it. But he just get angry because of stupid reasons?
fine i don't care. i'm going out later so gtg Bye!