today went to school as usual.
reach school around 7.20am.
went to assb after that went back class for lessons.
first lesson was english, today we wrote compo again.
second lesson was science, din study at all, cause whole class went to check up.
then is PE - it's fun? today we play australia football. i think?
THEN RECESS TIME:D " damn hungry man"
but we went to change first, went to the canteen and eat my breakfast.
bell ring already went back to class for FTC follow by chinese den last lesson was maths, it's getting difficult and more difficult. DUH!
don't really know how to do it man. tsk!
so stress sia. after that GO HOME. but stay back to do something.
went to cwp mac den go home.
and from now on every wed we have to stay back from 2-5pm!
like WTH so late lah! starting from tmr onwards. dunno do wad shit lah think is the coursework thing thing.
DUH! alright gtg now. loves(: